Source code for boar.SIMsalabim_utils.ZimT_plots

###################### Plot functions ZimT ###########################
# Author: Vincent M. Le Corre
# Github:

# Import libraries
import math,sys
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib as mp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.legend import Legend
from scipy import constants

## Physics constants
q = constants.value(u'elementary charge')
eps_0 = constants.value(u'electric constant')
kb = constants.value(u'Boltzmann constant in eV/K')

[docs] def zimt_tj_plot(num_fig,data_tj,x='t',y=['Jext'],xlimits=[],ylimits=[],plot_type=0,labels='',colors='b',line_type = ['-'],mark='',legend=True,save_yes=False,pic_save_name='transient.jpg'): """ Make tj_file transient plot for ZimT Default time on the x axis in $\mu$s Parameters ---------- num_fig : int number of the fig to plot tj data_tj : DataFrame Panda DataFrame containing tj_file x : str, optional xaxis data, by default 't' y : list of str, optional yaxis data can be multiple like ['Jext','Jncat'], by default ['Jext'] xlimits : list, optional x axis limits if = [] it lets python chose limits, by default [] ylimits : list, optional y axis limits if = [] it lets python chose limits, by default [] plot_type : int, optional type of plot 1 = logx, 2 = logy, 3 = loglog else linlin (default = linlin), by default 0 labels : str, optional label of the tj, by default '' colors : str, optional color for the JV line, by default 'b' line_type : list, optional type of line used for the plot size line_type need to be = size(y), by default ['-'] mark : str, optional type of Marker used for the plot, by default '' legend : bool, optional Display legend or not, by default True pic_save_name : str, optional name of the file where the figure is saved, by default 'transient.jpg' """ if len(y) > len(line_type): print('Invalid line_type list, we meed len(y) == len(line_type)') print('We will use default line type instead') line_type = [] for counter, value in enumerate(y): line_type.append('-') plt.figure(num_fig) ax_JVs_plot = plt.axes() for i,line in zip(y,line_type): if plot_type == 1: ax_JVs_plot.semilogx(data_tj[x],data_tj[i]/10,color=colors,label=labels,linestyle=line,marker=mark,markeredgecolor=colors,markersize=10,markerfacecolor='None',markeredgewidth = 3) elif plot_type == 2: ax_JVs_plot.semilogy(data_tj[x],data_tj[i]/10,color=colors,label=labels,linestyle=line,marker=mark,markeredgecolor=colors,markersize=10,markerfacecolor='None',markeredgewidth = 3) elif plot_type == 3: ax_JVs_plot.loglog(data_tj[x],data_tj[i]/10,color=colors,label=labels,linestyle=line,marker=mark,markeredgecolor=colors,markersize=10,markerfacecolor='None',markeredgewidth = 3) else: ax_JVs_plot.plot(data_tj[x],data_tj[i]/10,color=colors,label=labels,linestyle=line,marker=mark,markeredgecolor=colors,markersize=10,markerfacecolor='None',markeredgewidth = 3) # legend if legend == True: plt.legend(loc='best',frameon=False,fontsize = 30) if xlimits != []: plt.xlim(xlimits) if ylimits != []: plt.ylim(ylimits) plt.grid(visible=True,which='both') plt.xlabel('Time [s]') plt.ylabel('Current Density [mA cm$^{-2}$]') plt.tight_layout() if save_yes: plt.savefig(pic_save_name,dpi=300,transparent=True)
[docs] def zimt_tj_JV_plot(num_fig,data_tj,x='Vext',y=['Jext'],xlimits=[],ylimits=[],plot_type=0,labels='',colors='b',line_type = ['-'],mark='',legend=True,save_yes='False',pic_save_name='transient_JV.jpg'): """ Make tj_file transient current-voltage curve plot for ZimT Default Voltage on the x axis Parameters ---------- num_fig : int number of the fig to plot tj data_tj : DataFrame Panda DataFrame containing tj_file x : str, optional xaxis data, by default 'Vext' y : list of str, optional yaxis data can be multiple like ['Jext','Jncat'], by default ['Jext'] xlimits : list, optional x axis limits if = [] it lets python chose limits, by default [] ylimits : list, optional y axis limits if = [] it lets python chose limits, by default [] plot_type : int, optional type of plot 1 = logx, 2 = logy, 3 = loglog else linlin (default = linlin), by default 0 labels : str, optional label of the tj, by default '' colors : str, optional color for the JV line, by default 'b' line_type : list, optional type of line used for the plot size line_type need to be = size(y), by default ['-'] mark : str, optional type of Marker used for the plot, by default '' legend : bool, optional Display legend or not, by default True save_yes : bool, optional If True, save JV as an image with the file name defined by "pic_save_name", by default False pic_save_name : str, optional name of the file where the figure is saved, by default 'transient_JV.jpg' """ if len(y) > len(line_type): print('Invalid line_type list, we meed len(y) == len(line_type)') print('We will use default line type instead') line_type = [] for counter, value in enumerate(y): line_type.append('-') plt.figure(num_fig) ax_JVs_plot = plt.axes() for i,line in zip(y,line_type): if plot_type == 1: ax_JVs_plot.semilogx(data_tj[x],data_tj[i]/10,color=colors,label=labels,linestyle=line,marker=mark,markeredgecolor=colors,markersize=10,markerfacecolor='None',markeredgewidth = 3) elif plot_type == 2: ax_JVs_plot.semilogy(data_tj[x],data_tj[i]/10,color=colors,label=labels,linestyle=line,marker=mark,markeredgecolor=colors,markersize=10,markerfacecolor='None',markeredgewidth = 3) elif plot_type == 3: ax_JVs_plot.loglog(data_tj[x],data_tj[i]/10,color=colors,label=labels,linestyle=line,marker=mark,markeredgecolor=colors,markersize=10,markerfacecolor='None',markeredgewidth = 3) else: ax_JVs_plot.plot(data_tj[x],data_tj[i]/10,color=colors,label=labels,linestyle=line,marker=mark,markeredgecolor=colors,markersize=10,markerfacecolor='None',markeredgewidth = 3) # legend if legend == True: plt.legend(loc='best',frameon=False,fontsize = 30) if xlimits != []: plt.xlim(xlimits) if ylimits != []: plt.ylim(ylimits) plt.grid(visible=True,which='both') plt.xlabel('Voltage [V]') plt.ylabel('Current Density [mA cm$^{-2}$]') plt.tight_layout() if save_yes: plt.savefig(pic_save_name,dpi=300,transparent=True)
[docs] def zimt_Voltage_transient_plot(num_fig,data_tj,x='t',y=['Vext'],xlimits=[],ylimits=[],plot_type=0,labels='',colors='b',line_type = ['-'],mark='',legend=True,save_yes=False,pic_save_name='transient_volt.jpg'): """ Make tj_file transientvoltage curve plot for ZimT Default time on the x axis in $\mu$s Parameters ---------- num_fig : int number of the fig to plot tj data_tj : DataFrame Panda DataFrame containing tj_file x : str, optional xaxis data, by default 't' y : list of str, optional yaxis data can be multiple like ['Vext','Va'], by default ['Vext'] xlimits : list, optional x axis limits if = [] it lets python chose limits, by default [] ylimits : list, optional y axis limits if = [] it lets python chose limits, by default [] plot_type : int, optional type of plot 1 = logx, 2 = logy, 3 = loglog else linlin (default = linlin), by default 0 labels : str, optional label of the tj, by default '' colors : str, optional color for the JV line, by default 'b' line_type : list, optional type of line used for the plot size line_type need to be = size(y), by default ['-'] mark : str, optional type of Marker used for the plot, by default '' legend : bool, optional Display legend or not, by default True save_yes : bool, optional If True, save JV as an image with the file name defined by "pic_save_name", by default False pic_save_name : str, optional name of the file where the figure is saved, by default 'transient_volt.jpg' """ if len(y) != len(line_type): print('Invalid line_type list, we meed len(y) == len(line_type)') print('We will use default line type instead') line_type = [] for counter, value in enumerate(y): line_type.append('-') plt.figure(num_fig) ax_JVs_plot = plt.axes() for i,line in zip(y,line_type): if plot_type == 1: ax_JVs_plot.semilogx(data_tj[x],data_tj[i],color=colors,label=labels,linestyle=line,marker=mark,markeredgecolor=colors,markersize=10,markerfacecolor='None',markeredgewidth = 3) elif plot_type == 2: ax_JVs_plot.semilogy(data_tj[x],data_tj[i],color=colors,label=labels,linestyle=line,marker=mark,markeredgecolor=colors,markersize=10,markerfacecolor='None',markeredgewidth = 3) elif plot_type == 3: ax_JVs_plot.loglog(data_tj[x],data_tj[i],color=colors,label=labels,linestyle=line,marker=mark,markeredgecolor=colors,markersize=10,markerfacecolor='None',markeredgewidth = 3) else: ax_JVs_plot.plot(data_tj[x],data_tj[i],color=colors,label=labels,linestyle=line,marker=mark,markeredgecolor=colors,markersize=10,markerfacecolor='None',markeredgewidth = 3) # legend if legend == True: plt.legend(loc='best',frameon=False,fontsize = 30) if xlimits != []: plt.xlim(xlimits) if ylimits != []: plt.ylim(ylimits) plt.grid(visible=True,which='both') plt.xlabel('Time [s]') plt.ylabel('Volatge [V]') plt.tight_layout() if save_yes: plt.savefig(pic_save_name,dpi=300,transparent=True)
[docs] def zimt_dens_plot(num_fig,data_Var,time=['nan'],y=['n','p'],xlimits=[],ylimits=[],x_unit='nm',y_unit='cm^-3',plot_type=0,labels='',colors='b',colorbar_type='None',colorbar_display=False,line_type = ['-','--'],legend=True,save_yes=False,pic_save_name='density.jpg'): """Make Var_plot for ZimT Parameters ---------- num_fig : int number of the fig to plot JV data_JV : DataFrame Panda DataFrame containing JV_file time : float float to define the voltage at which the densities will be plotted if t='nan' then takettime as max(t), ifttime does not exist we plot the closest voltage, default ['nan'] y : list of str, optional yaxis data can be multiple like ['n','p'], by default ['n','p'] xlimits : list, optional x axis limits if = [] it lets python chose limits, by default [] ylimits : list, optional y axis limits if = [] it lets python chose limits, by default [] x_unit : str, optional specify unit of the x-axis either ['nm','um','m'], by default 'nm' y_unit : str, optional specify unit of the y-axis either ['cm^-3','m^-3'], by default 'cm^-3' plot_type : int, optional type of plot 1 = logx, 2 = logy, 3 = loglog else linlin (default = linlin), by default 0 labels : str, optional label of the line, by default '' colors : str, optional color for the line, by default 'b' colorbar_type : str, optional define the type of colorbar to use for the plot ['None','log','lin'], by default 'None' colorbar_display : bool, optional chose to display colormap or not, by default False line_type : list, optional type of line for the plot size line_type need to be = size(y), by default ['-'] legend : bool, optional Display legend or not, by default True save_yes : bool, optional If True, save density plot as an image with the file name defined by "pic_save_name", by default False pic_save_name : str, optional name of the file where the figure is saved, by default 'density.jpg' """ if len(y) > len(line_type): print('\n') print('In zimt_dens_plot function') print('Invalid line_type list, we meed len(y) == len(line_type)') print('We will use default line type instead') line_type = [] for counter, value in enumerate(y): line_type.append('-') if time == ['nan']: time = [max(data_Var['time'])] print('\n') print('In zimt_dens_plot function') print('t was not specified so time = {:.2e} s was plotted'.format(time[0])) # Convert in x-axis if x_unit == 'nm': data_Var['x'] = data_Var['x'] * 1e9 elif x_unit == 'um': data_Var['x'] = data_Var['x'] * 1e6 elif x_unit == 'm': pass else: print('\n') print('In zimt_dens_plot function.') print('x_unit is wrong so [m] is used. ') # Convert in y-axis if y_unit == 'cm^-3': convert_factor = 1e6 elif y_unit == 'm^-3': convert_factor = 1 else: print('\n') print('In zimt_dens_plot function.') print('y_unit is wrong so [m^-3] is used. ') convert_factor = 1 # Prepare the colorbar is there is any if colorbar_type == 'log': time_bar = data_Var['time'] time_bar = np.asarray(time_bar.drop_duplicates()) norm = mp.colors.LogNorm(vmin=np.min(time_bar[1]),vmax=np.max(time_bar)) c_m = choose a colormap s_m =, norm=norm)# create a ScalarMappable and initialize a data structure s_m.set_array([]) elif colorbar_type == 'lin': time_bar = data_Var['time'] time_bar = np.asarray(time_bar.drop_duplicates()) norm = mp.colors.Normalize(vmin=np.min(time_bar),vmax=np.max(time_bar)) c_m = choose a colormap s_m =, norm=norm) # create a ScalarMappable and initialize a data structure s_m.set_array([]) elif colorbar_type == 'None': pass else: print('Wrong colorbar_type input') for t in time: data_Var_dum = data_Var[abs(data_Var.time -t) == min(abs(data_Var.time -t))] data_Var_dum = data_Var_dum.reset_index(drop=True) if min(abs(data_Var.time -t)) != 0: print('time = {:.2e} s was not found so {:.2e} was plotted'.format(t,data_Var_dum['time'][0])) plt.figure(num_fig) ax_Vars_plot = plt.axes() if (colorbar_type == 'log' or colorbar_type == 'lin') and colorbar_display: colorline = s_m.to_rgba(t) else: colorline = colors put_label = True for i,line in zip(y,line_type): if put_label: labels = labels put_label = False else: labels = '' if plot_type == 1: ax_Vars_plot.semilogx(data_Var_dum['x'],data_Var_dum[i]/convert_factor,color=colorline,label=labels,linestyle=line) elif plot_type == 2: ax_Vars_plot.semilogy(data_Var_dum['x'],data_Var_dum[i]/convert_factor,color=colorline,label=labels,linestyle=line) elif plot_type == 3: ax_Vars_plot.loglog(data_Var_dum['x'],data_Var_dum[i]/convert_factor,color=colorline,label=labels,linestyle=line) else: ax_Vars_plot.plot(data_Var_dum['x'],data_Var_dum[i]/convert_factor,color=colorline,label=labels,linestyle=line) # legend if legend == True: plt.legend(loc='best',frameon=False,fontsize = 30) # Add colorbar if needed if (colorbar_type == 'log' or colorbar_type == 'lin') and colorbar_display: cbar = plt.colorbar(s_m) cbar.set_label('Time [s]') # Set axis limits if xlimits != []: plt.xlim(xlimits) if ylimits != []: plt.ylim(ylimits) plt.grid(visible=True,which='both') # Label x-axis if x_unit == 'nm': plt.xlabel('x [nm]') elif x_unit == 'um': plt.xlabel('x [$\mu$m]') elif x_unit == 'm': plt.xlabel('x [m]') else: plt.xlabel('x [nm]') # Label y-axis if y_unit == 'cm^-3': plt.ylabel('Density [cm$^{-3}$]') elif y_unit == 'm^-3': plt.ylabel('Density [m$^{-3}$]') else: plt.ylabel('Density [m$^{-3}$]') plt.ylabel('Density [cm$^{-3}$]') plt.tight_layout() if save_yes: plt.savefig(pic_save_name,dpi=300,transparent=True)