############### Useful function ###################
# Author: Vincent M. Le Corre
# Github: https://github.com/VMLC-PV
# Import libraries
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import stats,constants
## Physics constants
q = constants.value(u'elementary charge')
eps_0 = constants.value(u'electric constant')
kb = constants.value(u'Boltzmann constant in eV/K')
def sci_notation(number, sig_fig=2):
"""Make proper scientific notation for graphs
number : float
Number to put in scientific notation.
sig_fig : int, optional
Number of significant digits (Defaults = 2).
output : str
String containing the number in scientific notation
if sig_fig != -1:
if number == 0:
output = '0'
ret_string = "{0:.{1:d}e}".format(number, sig_fig)
a,b = ret_string.split("e")
if int(b) >= 0:
b = int(b) #removed leading "+" and strips leading zeros too.
c = ''
b = abs(int(b))
c = u"\u207B" # superscript minus sign
SUP = str.maketrans("0123456789", "⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹")
b = str(b).translate(SUP)
output =a + ' x 10' + c + b
if number == 0:
output = '0'
ret_string = "{0:.{1:d}e}".format(number, 0)
a,b = ret_string.split("e")
b = int(b) #removed leading "+" and strips leading zeros too.
if int(b) >= 0:
b = int(b) #removed leading "+" and strips leading zeros too.
c = ''
b = abs(int(b))
c = u"\u207B" # superscript minus sign
SUP = str.maketrans("0123456789", "⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹")
#SUB = str.maketrans("0123456789", "₀₁₂₃₄₅₆₇₈₉")
b = str(b).translate(SUP)
output = '10' + c + b
return output
def LinearFunc(t,a,b):
"""Linear function
f(t) = a\*t + b
t : 1-D sequence of floats
a : float
b : float
1-D sequence of floats
return a*t + b
def MonoExpDecay(t, tau, f0 , finf):
""" Monoexponential decay function
f(t) = (f0-finf) \* np.exp(-(t/tau) ) + finf
t : 1-D sequence of floats
k : float
f0 : float
initial quantity
finf : float
1-D sequence of floats
return (f0-finf) * np.exp(-(t/tau) ) + finf
def MonoExpInc(t, tau, f0, finf):
""" Monoexponential Inc function
f(t) = (finf-f0) \*(1-np.exp(-(t/tau))) + f0)
t : 1-D sequence of floats
k : float
f0 : float
initial quantity
finf : float
1-D sequence of floats
return (finf-f0) *(1-np.exp(-(t/tau))) + f0
def StretchedExp(t, tau, h, A, B):
""" Stretched decay function
f(t) = A \* np.exp(- (t/tau)^h ) + B
t : 1-D sequence of floats
tau : float
h : float
heterogeneity parameter
A : float
initial quantity
B : float
1-D sequence of floats
return A * np.exp(- (t/tau)**h ) + B
def get_Jsc(Volt,Curr):
"""Get the short-circuit current (Jsc) from solar cell JV-curve by interpolating the current at 0 V
Volt : 1-D sequence of floats
Array containing the voltages.
Curr : 1-D sequence of floats
Array containing the current-densities.
Jsc : float
Short-circuit current value
Jsc_dumb = np.interp(0, Volt, Curr)
return Jsc_dumb
def get_Voc(Volt,Curr):
"""Get the Open-circuit voltage (Voc) from solar cell JV-curve by interpolating the Voltage when the current is 0
Volt : 1-D sequence of floats
Array containing the voltages.
Curr : 1-D sequence of floats
Array containing the current-densities.
Voc : float
Open-circuit voltage value
Voc_dumb = np.interp(0, Curr, Volt)
return Voc_dumb
def get_FF(Volt,Curr):
"""Get the fill factor (FF) from solar cell JV-curve by calculating the maximum power point
Volt : 1-D sequence of floats
Array containing the voltages.
Curr : 1-D sequence of floats
Array containing the current-densities.
FF : float
Fill factor value
power = []
Volt_oc = get_Voc(Volt,Curr)
Curr_sc = get_Jsc(Volt,Curr)
for i,j in zip(Volt,Curr):
if (i < Volt_oc and j > Curr_sc):
power_max = min(power)
FF_dumb = power_max/(Volt_oc*Curr_sc)
return abs(FF_dumb)
def get_PCE(Volt,Curr,suns=1):
"""Get the power conversion efficiency (PCE) from solar cell JV-curve
Volt : 1-D sequence of floats
Array containing the voltages.
Curr : 1-D sequence of floats
Array containing the current-densities.
PCE : float
Power conversion efficiency value.
Voc_dumb = get_Voc(Volt,Curr)
Jsc_dumb = get_Jsc(Volt, Curr)
FF_dumb = get_FF(Volt, Curr)
PCE_dumb = Voc_dumb*Jsc_dumb*FF_dumb/(10*suns) # to get it in % when Jsc is in A/m2 and Voc in V
return abs(PCE_dumb)
def get_ideality_factor(suns,Vocs,T=295):
"""Returns ideality factor from suns-Voc data linear fit of Voc = (nIF/Vt)\*log(suns) + intercept
suns : 1-D sequence of floats
Array containing the intensity in sun.
Vocs : 1-D sequence of floats
Array containing the open-circuit voltages.
T : float optional
Temperature in Kelvin (Default = 295 K).
nIF : float
Ideality factor value.
intercept : float
Intercept of the regression line.
rvalue : float
Correlation coefficient.
pvalue : float
Two-sided p-value for a hypothesis test whose null hypothesis is
that the slope is zero, using Wald Test with t-distribution of
the test statistic.
stderr : float
Standard error of the estimated gradient.
Vt = kb*T
suns = np.log(suns)
slope_d, intercept_d, r_value_d, p_value_d, std_err_d = stats.linregress(suns,Vocs)
nIF = slope_d/Vt
return nIF,intercept_d, r_value_d**2, p_value_d, std_err_d
def get_alpha_factor(suns,Jscs):
"""Returns alpha from suns-Jsc data linear fit of log(Jsc) = alpha\*log(suns) + b
suns : 1-D sequence of floats
Array containing the intensity in sun.
Vocs : 1-D sequence of floats
Array containing the open-circuit voltages.
alpha : float
Alpha value.
intercept : float
Intercept of the regression line.
rvalue : float
Correlation coefficient.
pvalue : float
Two-sided p-value for a hypothesis test whose null hypothesis is
that the slope is zero, using Wald Test with t-distribution of
the test statistic.
stderr : float
Standard error of the estimated gradient.
suns = np.log(suns)
Jscs = np.log(Jscs)
alpha, intercept_d, r_value_d, p_value_d, std_err_d = stats.linregress(suns,Jscs)
return alpha,intercept_d, r_value_d**2, p_value_d, std_err_d
def get_random_value(val_min,val_max,scale='lin'):
"""Get random value between two boundaries
val_min : float
min value
val_max : float
max value
scale : str, optional
scale type, by default 'lin'
random value
if val_min > val_max:
dum_min = min(val_min,val_max)
dum_max = max(val_min,val_max)
val_min = dum_min
val_max = dum_max
print('Careful, the val_min > val_max, check the input for get_random_value')
random_val = random.uniform(0, 1)
if scale == 'lin':
val = (val_max - val_min) * random_val + val_min
elif scale == 'log':
val = np.sign(val_max) * np.exp( random_val * ( np.log(abs(val_max)) - np.log(abs(val_min)) ) +np.log(abs(val_min)) )
elif scale == 'int':
val = int(round((val_max - val_min) * random_val + val_min))
print('The program will stop')
sys.exit('Wrong scale for the input parameters')
return val
def valence_urbach(CB,VB,Eu,num_points):
""" Creates a Urbach tail for the valence band (from VB to VB-(VB-CB)/2)
to be used as a BulkTrapFile or IntTrapFile for SIMsalabim
Fomula: frac = exp(-(VB-E)/Eu)
CB : float
Conduction band edge value in eV
VB : float
Valence band edge value in eV
Eu : float
Urbach energy in eV
num_points : int
Number of points to be generated
E : 1-D sequence of floats
Array containing the energy values in eV
frac : 1-D sequence of floats
Array containing the fraction of traps at each energy value
E = np.linspace(VB-(VB-CB)/2,VB,num_points)
Erela = VB - E
frac = np.ones(len(Erela))
for i in range(len(Erela)):
frac[i] = np.exp(-Erela[i]/Eu)
# drop last point
E = E[:-1]
frac = frac[:-1]
#normalize the fraction
frac = frac/np.sum(frac)
return E,frac
def conduction_urbach(CB,VB,Eu,num_points):
""" Creates a Urbach tail for the conduction band (from CB to CB+(VB-CB)/2)
to be used as a BulkTrapFile or IntTrapFile for SIMsalabim
CB : float
Conduction band edge value in eV
VB : float
Valence band edge value in eV
Eu : float
Urbach energy in eV
num_points : int
Number of points to be generated
E : 1-D sequence of floats
Array containing the energy values in eV
frac : 1-D sequence of floats
Array containing the fraction of traps at each energy value
E = np.linspace(CB,CB+(VB-CB)/2,num_points)
Erela = E - CB
frac = np.ones(len(Erela))
for i in range(len(Erela)):
frac[i] = np.exp(-Erela[i]/Eu)
# drop first point
E = E[1:]
frac = frac[1:]
#normalize the fraction
frac = frac/np.sum(frac)
return E,frac
def double_urbach(CB,VB,Eu,num_points):
""" Creates a Urbach tail on both sides of the bandgap
to be used as a BulkTrapFile or IntTrapFile for SIMsalabim
CB : float
Conduction band edge value in eV
VB : float
Valence band edge value in eV
Eu : float
Urbach energy in eV
num_points : int
Number of points to be generated
E : 1-D sequence of floats
Array containing the energy values in eV
frac : 1-D sequence of floats
Array containing the fraction of traps at each energy value
num_points = int(num_points/2)
E1,frac1 = conduction_urbach(CB,VB,Eu,num_points)
E2,frac2 = valence_urbach(CB,VB,Eu,num_points)
E = np.concatenate((E1,E2))
frac = np.concatenate((frac1,frac2))
# check for duplicates in E and remove
E, idx = np.unique(E, return_index=True)
# drop the points with duplicates
frac = frac[idx]
#normalize the fraction
frac = frac/np.sum(frac)
return E,frac
def double_urbach_midgap(CB,VB,Eu,fracmid,num_points):
""" Creates a Urbach tail on both sides of the bandgap and add a state mid-gap
to be used as a BulkTrapFile or IntTrapFile for SIMsalabim
CB : float
Conduction band edge value in eV
VB : float
Valence band edge value in eV
Eu : float
Urbach energy in eV
fracmid : float
Fraction of traps at mid-gap
num_points : int
Number of points to be generated
E : 1-D sequence of floats
Array containing the energy values in eV
frac : 1-D sequence of floats
Array containing the fraction of traps at each energy value
E,Ntraps = double_urbach(CB,VB,Eu,num_points)
Emid = CB+(VB-CB)/2
Ntrap_mid = fracmid
Norm_Ntraps = Ntraps/np.sum(Ntraps)
Ntraps = Norm_Ntraps*(1-Ntrap_mid)
if Emid in E:
idx = np.where(E==Emid)
Ntraps[idx] = Ntraps[idx] + Ntrap_mid
# add Emid to E amd add Ntrap_mid to Ntraps sorted with respect to E
E = np.append(E,Emid)
Ntraps = np.append(Ntraps,Ntrap_mid)
idx = np.argsort(E)
E = E[idx]
Ntraps = Ntraps[idx]
# check for duplicates in E and remove
E, idx = np.unique(E, return_index=True)
# drop the points with duplicates
Ntraps = Ntraps[idx]
#normalize the fraction
Ntraps = Ntraps/np.sum(Ntraps)
return E,Ntraps